دروستکردنی بەرنامەی مۆبایل Bootcamp

Home -> Our Projects -> Mobile Application Development Bootcamp

Project Name: Mobile Application Development Bootcamp

کڵایەنت: UNDP, University of Mosul and Asiacell

Location: Mosul

Date: March 8th, 2022 – April 19th, 2022

Description: The skilled instructors at Skills House designed and delivered a comprehensive training program focused on Mobile Application Development using React Native.

The training program included the following key topics:

• Installing React Native

• Basics of React Native and Javascript

• Layout and styling

• Functional components

• Class-based components

• Navigation

• Adding/installing packages and libraries

• Connecting to a back-end server

• API integration

The training program emphasized hands-on exercises, practical examples, and real-world application development scenarios to reinforce learning. Participants had the opportunity to apply their knowledge through coding exercises and build their own mobile applications using React Native. By the end of the program, the trainees were able to present their projects that they developed during the program.